About Glass 3D Printer Beds
TecniGlas has decades of experience with specialty high temperature glass substrates. We stock and process a wide variety of heat resistant glass materials at thicknesses ranging from 1/8" (3mm) to 1" (25mm).
3D printers use a heated build platform to improve print quality by helping to prevent warping. As the extruded material cools, it shrinks. If this cooling/shrinking does not happen uniformly, the printed part can warp. To prevent this from happening, a heated bed allows the printed material to stay warm during the printing process and can allow for a more uniform cooling. This usually results in higher quality printed parts.
TecniGlas is a speciality glass company with an emphasis on high temperature glass. We dont sell 3D printer components per se, but we do offer specialty glass substrates that can be used in high heat applications.
What do you need to know about high temperature glass? The main difference amongst our glass substrates is how much or little they expand when they are heated. Plain annealed glass expands a lot when heated, but since it is a rigid material, the glass breaks instantly when it is heated and tries to expand. Our high temperature glasses have lower thermal expansion rates which means they dont expand and break when heated so they tolerate progressively higher temperatures. Specialty glass materials like borosilicate glass can withstand high temperatures without cracking (think PYREX glass cooking dishes). Super special materials like glass-ceramic are completely unaffected by heat and will not crack or distort even at temperatures well over 1000 degrees F (think of glass used in wood stoves, fireplace and glass cook tops). TecniGlas is expert in all these materials.
For heated bed platforms for 3D printer applications we offer special high temperature glass depending on your needs. Borosilicate glass is our choice material for most 3D printing applications and it comes in a range of thicknesses, but 3mm is recommended. We offer this material cut to any size you need. We can package and safely ship this glass anywhere.
If you are interested in getting high temperature glass please contact TecniGlas via our Quote form on this website.
Thanks for your interest.